Do you know a great true story that’s also incredibly short? Would you like to be a part of an All Y’all podcast episode without having to stand onstage and tell your story in front of 200 strangers? Are you under house arrest? If so, we hope that you’ll be a part of our first-ever call-in episode, Lightning Round.

Here’s how it works: Unlike other great experiments of history, Lightning Round will not require any chimpanzees to be launched into space and no one will have to fly a kite during a lightning storm. Just call the All Y’all hotline at (318) 582-0665 and leave your entire story as a voicemail – the maximum length of the voicemail is three minutes. Leave your name, phone number, and go straight into the story. Stories on any topic are welcome. Assuming that we receive some calls, we’ll string them together into our first-ever collection of call-in short stories. If Lightning Round is successful, we can plan a future follow-up show with the very metal name Lightning Strikes Twice or More Lightning!
As a deadline for Lightning Round submissions, we have arbitrarily selected the date of Wednesday, Jan. 31. As an added incentive, we’re offering a pair of free tickets to a future All Y’all live storytelling event to anyone whose short story airs in Lightning Round, just as a way of saying “Hey, you rock.”
If you know someone with a great short story to tell, please share this invitation with them, and thank you for being a part of the All Y’all community.
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